
Coaching focuses on the client’s individual strengths and resources as well as their situation and the goal they want to achieve. Uta Schulz – SveTys sees coaching as an individual, personal development-oriented process (in the profession). If necessary, the personal goal is aligned with the organization, the role and the function.

Uta works pragmatically and with a holistic view so that the client finds a sustainable way to achieve their goal and goes their own way independently.

She takes care of a “wide horizon” – the best of the best. Inspired by different “schools”, with different methods, points of view from Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and German staff (personnel?) development and leadership (apart from the usual models from Harvard, MIT, etc.).

Coaching for German Managers in Germany

You want your German employees in key positions to develop an individual and authentic leadership style

  • which makes work purposeful and fun (also for their colleagues and co-workers)
  • so they can use and develop their resources,
  • which is suitable for modern working methods and rapid changes in the world around us,
  • which carries them through different situations and challenges in everyday work,
  • which inspires and encourages employees?

Coaching focuses on their individual goals and supports them resource-oriented to find their own path.

Coaching for German Managers in Denmark, Norway and Sweden

Of course, a good salesperson in Germany may not necessarily be a good and successful salesperson in Brazil. That may feel pretty obvious. But it’s exactly the same with leadership. A good German manager may not necessarily be successful in the Scandinavian countries.

Uta supports your German employees to develop a leadership style that suits their work in Scandinavia. Depending on the Scandinavian characteristics, they can develop their intercultural skills as well as their individual and authentic leadership style and achieve their own personal goals. The goals of coaching are defined individually by the client.

Coaching for Scandinavian managers in Germany

Danish, Norwegian and Swedish companies communicate in a different way compared to Germany. Decision-making is done differently. Leadership is different.

When Scandinavian managers take over executive functions in Germany, they face challenges they are not used to from home.

The holistic view of Germany’s complexity, everyday life in business and society gives Scandinavians the opportunity to further develop their proven ways of working, to adapt them and strengthen them. Then it will be fun to work with Germans and achieve one’s goals.

The goal of (intercultural) coaching for Scandinavians is defined individually and helps clients to develop an authentic and modern management style in harmony with their personal resources and goals.
